New number received from: REVISTA DE OCCIDENTE (No. 355. December 2010)

Summary of this issue:

*Elective affinities. Jose Garcia-Velasco

*The presence of Ortega in the Residencia de Estudiantes. Javier Zamora Bonilla

*The paideia of the Archer: the vital effort. Jose Lasaga Medina

*The poets of the Residence in the Western Magazine. Azucena Lopez Cobo

*Ortega, the Residence and the Society of Courses and Conferences. Juan Perez de Ayala


*A black square. Laszlo Foldenyi

*Max Aub, the tree of Figueras and the exodus of 1939: a reading of unnamed january. jordi channel


*Life of Paul Bowles. Unpublished diary, 1986. Paul Bowles


*The three times of The Regenta. Jorge Carrion


* The place of Dionisio Cañas. Martha Costa

* Hervás and Panduro, an enlightened man in exile. Angel Alonso Cortes


Previous summaries in Dialnet.

See also page magazine website.

See available numbers in the library.