Last number received from: YESTERDAY (nº 79, vol. 3. 2010)

Summary of this issue:

*Presentation. From dictatorship to democracy in Spain and Chile, new perspectives, Carmen González Martínez and Encarna Nicolás Marín.
* The Spanish Transition. Lights and shadows, Pere Ysás
* Transition and political violence in Chile (1988-1994), Igor Goicovic Donoso.
* The transition from dictatorship to democracy in Murcia. Collective action, institutional responses and political positions, Carmen González Martínez.
*Conception of Chile in the transition to democracy, Bernardo Castro Ramírez.
*Actors and disputes over memory in the always unfinished transition, Mario Garcés.
*Frank is dead! And now that? The construction of democracy from memory, Encarna Nicolás Marín


*Madrid and Barcelona, ​​capitals of culture in the international theater market at the end of the 1860th century (1910-XNUMX). Jeanne Moses
* Reconquer Galicia for Christ. A balance of social Catholicism in Galicia (1860-1936). Antonio Miguez Macho and Miguel Cabo Villaverde.
* Neither sinking nor eclipse. The active presence of the Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya in rearguard politics during the Civil War, José Luis Martín Ramos.


* The formation of the working class under Franco. New debates, Xavier Doménech Sampere
*Things that the transition tells, Santos Juliá

Previous summaries in Dialnet

See also magazine website

See numbers available in the library