New number received from: Current Spanish Linguistics (v. XXXII nº2. Year 2010)

Summary of this issue:

*The expression of difference in Spanish. EGUREN, LUIS and SANCHEZ, CRISTINA

*The discursive functionality of the constructional scheme. We Spaniards have made history in Europe: [[GN subject][SV1a/2apl]. DE COCK, BARBARA

*Nominal combinations in Spanish: syntactic, semantic-denotational and terminological aspects. GARCIA PADRÓN, DOLORES and BATISTA RODRÍGUEZ, JOSÉ JUAN

*The complement of verbal regimen. GALLEGO, ANGEL J.

*Channel switching in experimental lexical production. HERNANDEZ MUÑOZ, NATIVITY

*The legacy and ideology of a humanist: the reviews of José Pérez Vidal. DIAZ ALAYON, CARMEN


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