
Summary of this issue:


-Aurora Egido, The humanistic dignity of writingSantiago Francisco Peña, Tridentine Agencies in Philippine Salamanca. The Sánchez de las Brozas case, 1584-1600

-Jean-Pierre Tardieu, Du "Prêtre Jean" au Négus d'Abyssinie. Lavisión espagnole de l'Éthiopie aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles

-Ignacio Arellano, Song 162 in Rimas de Burguillos, by Lope de Vega. The two versions of it and some difficulties of interpretation

-Antonio Azaustre Galiana, Structure and argumentation of Spain defended, by Francisco de Quevedo

-Fernando Mikelarena Peña, The unexpected political and institutional trajectory of a neoclassical playwright. About Cristóbal María Cortés y Vitas

-Gabriel Sánchez Espinosa, The booksellers Ángel Corradi and Antoine Boudet, and the importation of French books for the San Fernando Academy

-Iván Pérez Daniel, The city and its lawyers. Intellectual and power representations in Juan Villoro's The Argon Shot

-Virginia Trueba Mira, A death of light that consumes me: María Zambrano in the mirror of Federico García Lorca

-Mario Martín Gijón, Production of presence and prophetic self-representation. Notes on the poetry of the front: about Wind of the people (1937) by M. Hernández

-Nicole Delbecque, Lise Van Gorp, Becoming and becoming as nexospseudo-copulatives: two ways of conceiving change in Spanish

-Hilde Hanegreefs and Jorge Fernández Jaén, Conceptualization of light in verbs derived from lumen



-Rafael Ramos, From Francisco to Marco Antonio Aldana through Gaspar Gil Polo

-Álvaro A. Ayo, Parody and innovation in the first stage of the work of Pérez de Ayala (1902-1913)

-Aagje Monballieu, The Hellenistic vocation of Julio Cortázar. His readings and his classical training in Mariano Acosta (1929-1936)

-Susana Rodríguez Rosique et Luis Bagué Quílez, Verso y verso: pragmatic theory of irony and humor in contemporary Spanish poetry

-Francisco Javier Escobar Borrego, Reception of golden classics in contemporary Spanish poetry: the survival of Garcilaso de la Vega in the work of Luis García Montero



(See details p. 465)


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