ACS COURSE FALL 2017: American Literature: New York 1945-1965 (Advanced/Proficiency)

This course is designed for advanced- and proficiency-level learners who are interested in improving their English language skills through the study of American literature. The theme for Fall 2017 is New York, 1945-1965. We will read short stories, novel and memoir excerpts, poems, and essays, in order to examine the ways in which these texts offer both an idealized vision of New York (and, by extension, of America) in the two decades after World War II and a critique of this very time and place.

                  Students will develop and improve their English language communication skills through class discussions, role-plays, and short writing assignments. Additional audio-visual materials will enhance the study of literature and language by providing complementary information about post-war American culture, as well as further opportunities to sharpen English language abilities.

Instructor: Chiara Luis, PhD