Summary of this issue: CONTENTS / CONTENTS * The esoteric aesthetics of Lugones and Valle-Inclán. Virginia Milener Garlitz * Cars for silhouettes and masses. New art from the AEFA Chamber Theater (FUE): premiere of Sacrilegio de ValleÍnclán (1934). Antonio Gago Rodó * Valle-Inclán and Moya del Pino: looking for the faithful balance
Summary of this issue: CONTENT *The esoteric aesthetics of Lugones and Valle-Inclán. Virginia Milner Garlitz. *Cars for silhouettes and masses. New art from the AEFA Chamber Theater (FUE): premiere of Sacrilegio de Valle-Inclán (1934). Antonio Gago Rodo. *Valle-Inclán and Moya del Pino: looking for the faithful balance (I). Jesus Rubio Jimenez. *The horns
Summary of this issue: CONTENTS / CONTENIDO *The validity of the theatrical discourses of exile: political commitment and renewal of expressive languages. Manuel Aznar Soler and Francisca Vilches-de Frutos *María Martínez Sierra, translator: a reading of contemporary theatre. Juan Aguilera Tailor. *Logos & eros: reason & passion. Go to a Castor star
Summary of this issue: CONTENTS / CONTENIDO *Conceptualizations of body fragmentation in female love poetry in Spanish and English. Mercedes begoechea. *Masculinity, misogyny and mass in Blind Sunflowers by Alberto Méndez. Lisa Renee di Giovanni *Masculinity, war and marriage in La plaça del Diamante by Mercè Rodoreda. Kathryn Everly *”Angles of
Summary of this issue: CONTENTS / CONTENT *Valle Inclán and the gothic novel: around the male characters of Jardín Umbrío. Luisa Castro Delgado *Valle-Incan's “Estética del memoria” and the Theatricalization of memory in El yermo de las almas. Elizabeth Drumm *The unpublished manuscript of the head of the Baptist. Francisca Martínez *Cultural relations between
Summary of this number: CONTENTS / CONTENT *Electra (1901) by Galdós: its gestation and staging. Carmen Menéndez-Onrubia *Idealism and fantasy in the theater of Pedro Salinas. Montserrat Escartín Gual *Racial conflict as a camouflage tactic in theater during the second Franco regime: the problem of universalizing reading. Stuart Green *What's up
Summary of this issue: CONTENTS / CONTENT *The disappointed theology of the national myth: Path to perfection by Pío Baroja as a critical reading of the XNUMX's essay. Luis Hernán Castañeda *Synchronicity in Julio Madem´s Lovers of Circular Polar: Poeticizing Coincidence in a Taoist Vernacular. Brian Cope *Towards a radical reconfiguration of the canon? The Twenty Seven
Summary of this issue: CONTENTS / CONTENT *Symbolic duality of blood in Antonia Bueno's playwriting. Lourdes Bueno *Crossing theatrical borders: the postmodern vision of José Moreno Arenas. Eileen J. Doll *The press as a fourth power in the theater of Lauro Olmo: political repression in the media and in the
Summary of this issue: *Modernism and Spain: Spanish Criticism at the Crossroads. C. Christopher Soufas, Jr *Guillén, Cernuda, and the Vicissitudes of Spanish Modernism. Jonathan Mayhew *Spanish Feminist Thought of the Modernist Era. Roberta Johnson *Cinema, Modernity, and the Women of ´27. Susan Kirkpatrick *Urban and maritime cartographies: Gender and Modernism in Concha Méndez. Iker