“Winner of the National Book Award, White Noise tells the story of Jack Gladney, his fourth wife, Babette, and four ultramodern offspring as they navigate the rocky passages of family life to the background babble of brand-name consumerism. When an industrial accident unleashes an “airborne toxic event,” a lethal black chemical cloud floats over their
“Gamers” by Don DeLillo “Pammy and Lyle Wynant are an attractive, hip couple who seem to have it all. However, behind their "ideal" life lurks a persistent tedium and contained desperation that lead them to live different adventures, but just as deadly. Extracted from Lecturalia. See also: http://jugadoresdelillo.blogspot.com.es/ http://www2.seix-barral.es/fichalibro.asp?libro=835 http://es.scribd.com/doc/3689114/Delillo- Don-Players http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_DeLillo The selected titles are
Review of "The House of Holes" by Nicholson Baker. Article by JOSÉ LUIS DE JUAN in Babelia on 03/03/2012. Read in full in the library's paper edition (web version not available). Review on “Empires. A New View of World History” by Jane Burbank and Frederick Cooper. Article by CARLOS GARCIA GUAL
* Review of "Gilead" by Marilynne Robinson. Article by JOSÉ MARÍA GUELBENZU published in Babelia on 07/05/2011. Read complete. * Review of “Chronic city” by Jonathan Lethem. Article by JAVIER APARICIO MAYDEU published in Babelia on 07/05/2011. Read complete. * Review of "Memoirs of a Widow" by Joyce Carol Oates. Article by W. MANRIQUE SABOGAL
“Players” by Don DeLillo “Players is Don DeLillo's fifth novel, published in 1977. It follows Lyle and Pammy Wynant, a young and affluent Manhattan couple whose casual boredom is overturned by their willing participation in chaotic detours from the everyday.” Extracted from Wikipedia. See also: http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/03/16/lifetimes/del-r-players.html http://www.slideshare.net/AutoSurfRestarter/players-by-don-delillo http ://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_DeLillo The selected titles are a sample
* Article on William Faulkner in connection with the author's avalanche of newly published titles. Article by ELSA FERNÁNDEZ-SANTOS published in El País on 18/11/2010. Read complete. * Reflection on Saul Bellow in relation to the recent English edition of his Letters. Article by ANTONIO MUÑOZ MOLINA published in Babelia on