Las novedades destacadas de la semana
“Be my Valentine, Charlie Brown”dirigido por Phil Roman
“If you’ve seen it before, you know Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown concerns the long-standing running gag in Schulz’ strip that had Charlie Brown not only pining for the Little Red-Haired Girl, but also lamenting the fact that he never received a Valentine in the mail. The animated short takes this basic story element, and expands it to show all of the Peanuts gang suffering from one sort or another of romantic longing (that largely remains unfulfilled). Charlie Brown suffers the worst humiliation; he doesn’t receive one single Valentine at school.”
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Be my Valentine, Charlie Brown. [DVD] / dirigido por Phil Roman. — Hollywood: Paramount Pictures, cop. 1975. — 1 DVD (25 min.) : son., col.
Idiomas: inglés Subtít.: inglés
Compatible con lectores de la Zona 1 (Estados Unidos)
Escrito y creado por Charles M. Schulz
Autorizada para todos los públicos
ZW .R66 B4 1975