Nuevo número recibido de: THE NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS (vol. LVII, nº4. March 11-24, 2010)
Sumario de éste número:
*Publishing: The Revolutionary Future. Jason Epstein
*Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays by Zadie Smith. Michael Wood
*What Is Europe to Do?. Chris Patten
*Tiepolo Pink by Roberto Calasso, translated from the Italian by Alastair McEwen. Ingrid D. Rowland
*Poem. Frederick Seidel
*Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities Reported by Youth, 2008-09 by Allen J. Beck, Paige M. Harrison, and Paul Guerino, and five other documents on sexual abuse of prisioners. Lovisa Stannow
*The Art Student´s War by Brad Leithauser. Cathleen Schine
*The Other Within: the Marranos: Split Identity and Emerging Modernity by Yirmiyahu Yovel. Las imágenes de la Discordia: Política y poética de la imagen sagrada en la España del cuatrocientos by Felipe Pereda. Atlantic Diasporas: Jews, Conversos, and Crypto-Jews in the Age of Mercantilism, 1500-1800 edited by Richard L. Kagan and Philip D. Morgan. J.H. Elliott
*The Philosophical Baby: What Children´s Minds Tell Us About Truth, Love, and the Meaning of Life by Alison Gopnik. Michael Greenberg
*The Fires of Vesuvius: Pompeii Lost and Found by Mary Beard. Jasper Griffin
*Robert Altman: The oral Biography by Mirchell Zuckoff. Nathaniel Rich
*Heavy Weather in Copenhagen. Bill Mckibben
*Historian´s Progress. Tony Judt
*The Vagrants by Yiyun Li. A Thousand Years of Good Players by Yiyun Li. Jonathan Mirsky
*Dangerous Games: The Uses and Abuses of History by Margaret MacMillan. Max Hastings
*The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing edited by Richard Dawkins. Jeremy Bernstein
*At Last, Good News from de Balkans. Tim Judah
*The End of Health Care Reform?. Elizabeth Drew
*Letters from: Neil A. Holzman, Jerome Groopman, Roger Mudd, Lucia Murano, Michela Murano, Ingrid D. Rowland, and Thomas Baroth