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“The book of getting even: a novel” by Benjamin Taylor

“Son of a rabbi, budding astronomer Gabriel Geismar is on his way from youth to manhood in the 1970s when he falls in love with the esteemed and beguiling Hundert family, different in every way from his own. Over the course of a decade-long drama unfolding in New Orleans, Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, and the Wisconsin countryside, Gabriel enters more and more passionately and intimately into the world of his elective clan, discovering at the inmost center that he alone must bear the full weight of their tragedies, past and present.”

Extraído de Random House.

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The book of getting even: a novel / Benjamin Taylor. — Hanover, New Hampshire: Zoland Books, 2008. — 166 p.; 22 cm.

ISBN 978-1-58195-232-2

PS 3570.A92714 B66 2008