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“Early novels and stories” by William Maxwell

“Together with these major works, this Library of America edition of Maxwell’s early fiction collects his lighthearted first novel, Bright Center of Heaven (1934), out of print for nearly 70 years, and nine masterly short stories. It concludes with «The Writer as Illusionist» (1955), Maxwell’s fullest statement on the art of fiction as he practiced it.”

Extraído de Library of America.

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Maxwell, William (1908-2000)

Early novels and stories / William Maxwell. — New York: Library of America, 2008. — 997 p. ; 21 cm. — (The Library of America ; 179).

Contiene: Bright center of heaven — The came like swallows — Stories 1938-1945 — The folden leaf — Time will darken it — Stories 1952-1956 — The writer as illusionist

ISBN 978-1-59853-016-2

PS 3525.A948 A6 2008