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“Prelude to pleasure: a bilingual edition of Víspera del gozo» by Pedro Salinas and translated by Noël Valis
“This is the first English translation of Vispera del gozo — a collection of short stories by Pedro Salinas (1891-1951), a writer best known for his poetry and involvement in the Spanish vanguard aesthetic movement of the 1920s and 1930s.”
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Prelude to pleasure: a bilingual edition of «Víspera del gozo» / by Pedro Salinas; Translated by Noël Valis. — Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, cop. 1993. — 100 p.; 24 cm.
Ded. autógr. del traductor (R. 90312 )
Bibliografía: p. 17
ISBN 0-8387-5242-X
PQ 6635.A32 V513 1993
R. 77099