Nuevo número recibido de: THE NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS (vol. LIX, nº 2. February 9-22, 2012)
Sumario de este número:
*Václav Havel (1936-2011). Paul Wilson
*The elections: a modest proposal. Max Frankel
*Leonardo da Vinci: painter at the court of Milán an exhibition at the National Gallery, London. Catalog of the exhibition by Luke Syson with Larry Keith and others. Charles Hope
*To save America: stopping Obama’s secular-socialist machine by Newt Gingrich with Joe DeSantis. David Bromwich
*Patti Smith: camera solo an exhibition at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut. Catalog of the exhibition edited by Susan Lubowsky Talbott. Patti Smith 1969-1976 photographs by Judy Linn, with an afterword by Patti Smith. Love goes to buildings on Fire: five years in New York that changed music forever by Will Hermes. Luc Santac
*American oracle: the civil war in the civil rights era by David W. Blight. Andrew Delbanco
*Elliott Carter’s music of time. Charles Rosen
*The Angel Esmeralda: nine stories by Don DeLillo. Charles Baxter
*Top secret America: the rise of the new American security state by Dana Priest and William M. Arkin. Intelligence and US Foreign policy: Iraq, 9/11, and misguided reform by Paul R. Pillar. Counterstrike: the untold story of America’s secret campaign against Al Qaeda by Erik Schmitt and Thom Sanker. Steve Coll
*Poem. Robin Robertson
*Merce Cunningham & the imposible. Alma Guillermoprieto
*Ghosts of Afghanistan: hard truths and foreign myths by Jonathan Steele. The wars of Afghanistan: messianic terrorism, tribal conflicts and the failures of great powers by Peter Tomsen. Anatol Lieven
*The sounding of the whale: science and cetaceans in the twentieth century by D. Graham Burnett. The dolphin in the mirror: exploring dolphin minds and saving dolphin lives by Diana Reiss. Tim Flannery
*Heinrich Himmler: a life by Peter Longerich. Hitler’s Hangman: the life of Heydrich by Robert Gerwart. Max Hastings
*Pen of iron: American prose and the king James Bible by Robert Alter. The shadow of a great rock: a literary appreciation of the King James Bible by Harold Bloom and seven other books on the King James Bible. Robert Pogue Harrison
*What future for occupy Wall Street? Michael Greenberg
*Contested visions in the Spanish colonial world an exhibition at the Los Angeles county Museum of Art. Contested vision in the Spanish Colonial world edited by Ilona Katzew. Daniela Bleichmar
*No enemies, no hatred: selected essays and poems by Liu Xiaobo, edited by Pery Kink, Tienchi Martin-Liao, and Liu Xia, with a foreword by Václav Havel. Simon Leys
*Letters from Simon Leys, Dirk Vandewalle, Tim Parks, Michael Haas, Robert W. Gordon, John Foot, Roy Morrison and John Terborgh.
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