Young Learners 6: Rebranding and Career Day
La clase de Young Learners 6 ha estado trabajando diversos temas sobre el mundo del espectáculo y del trabajo. En primer lugar, hablaron de Rebranding, un fenómeno que lleva a las personas a cambiar de look y de carácter con el objetivo de atraer a más público. Y por segundo, su profesora, Christine, invitó a una periodista, Timisha Dixon, a hablar con las alumnas sobre las diferentes vueltas que da la vida, y las que la llevó a cambiar de profesión en distintos momentos de su vida. Le damos las gracias a Christine por la iniciativa, y a Timisha, por compartir su tiempo y su experiencia con nuestras alumnas.
Abajo pueden leer los resúmenes de las actividades, escritos por las alumnas.
Last week, we were talking about Rebranding. Rebranding is when someone changes their appearance or personality to become famous and more marketable. To start, we watched a video about how some famous people have changed their names, got plastic surgery and makeovers to become more remarkable. Then we drew a picture of our best friends, and then rebranded them and presented the changes. We were shocked by how many normal, pretty girls had changed themselves to become famous.
Career Day:
Last week, a journalist called Timisha Dixon visited us to talk about the world of journalism and TV production. First she spoke about her beginnings, she was born in Queens NY, and she wanted to be a writer. Then she changed her mind, because she realized that there were some disadvantages in that career, and she ended up studying media communication and also journalism. Once she finished, she took some jobs that didn’t get her enough money to pay off her student loans. For a few years, she worked as a blogger, on the radio, as a Hip Hop/R and B music interviewer. She got tired, especially because she wasn’t making enough money, and she decided to give up her career and move to Spain to become a teacher to start over. So far she loves it and she´s really happy with her life here, and we all thank Timisha for coming and speaking to us.