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“Emerald city” de Jennifer Egan
“These eleven masterful stories – the first collection from acclaimed author Jennifer Egan – deal with loneliness and longing, regret and desire. Egan’s characters – models and housewives, bankers and schoolgirls – are united by their search for something outside their own realm of experience. They set out from locations as exotic as China and Bora Bora, as cosmopolitan as downtown Manhattan, or as familiar as suburban Illinois to seek their own transformations”.
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Egan, Jennifer
Emerald city and other stories [Texto impreso] / Jennifer Egan. — London : Corsair, 2012.
170 p. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 978-1-78033-121-8
I. Título.
PS 3555.G292 E43 2012
R. 201162513