Las novedades destacadas de la semana

“Girls think of everything: stories of ingenious inventions by women” by Catherine Thimmesh and illustrated by Melissa Sweet

Este libro nos ofrece interesantes textos breves sobre los procesos de creación de distintos inventos ordenados por el nombre de su inventora acompañados den ilustraciones y preciosos
“collages”. Una forma diferente de acercarse al mundo de la invención y recordar a los más jóvenes que las mujeres no se han quedado atrás en el terreno de la innovación.

“In kitchens and living rooms, in garages and labs and basements, even in converted chicken coops, women and girls have invented ingenious innovations that have made our lives simpler and better. Their creations are some of the most enduring (the windshield wiper) and best loved (the chocolate chip cookie). What inspired these women, and just how did they turn their ideas into realities?”

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Girls think of everything [Texto impreso] : stories of ingenious inventions by women / Catherine Thimmesh ; illustrated by Melissa Sweet. — Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, cop. 2000.

57 p. : il. ; 23 cm.

ISBN 978-0-618-19563-3

T 39 .T45 2000

R. 201166172