Reader’s Theater at the Library October Session
Activity at the library to learn and have fun at the same time using dramatic reading of scripts based on children’s stories. Kids will hear the story, do some drama exercises, and practice reading the scripts with intonation and expression.
This activity is for 9 to 12 years-old (4º-6º Primaria) with a high-intermediate or advance English level. It will be held one Friday per month at 18:00, starting on September and finishing in June.
Readers’ Theater will be led by Carrie and Trisha, also known as storytellers from the International Institute Library Storytelling Mornings.
Now in collaboration with American Space Madrid it’s a free activity. Library members gain privileged access.
Registration can be done at the IIE website (filling the activity form from the Agenda).
October 2014 script around the book:
«East of the Sun and West of the Moon» by Mercer Mayer
Friday, October 24th 2014 at 18h.
«Mayer’s telling is an interweaving of plot elements from the original Scandinavian fairy tale with inventions of his own and details from The Frog Prince. The spellbound frog is whisked off to the trolls’ castle and the ungrateful lass loses her chance to marry a handsome prince until she creates a happy ending, having atoned for her mistake».
(Esta historia de Mayer mezcla elementos de la trama del cuento de hadas escandinavo original con invenciones propias y detalles de “The Frog Prince”. A la rana hechizada se la llevaron volando al castillo de los trolls y la muchacha ingrata pierde la oportunidad de casarse con un apuesto príncipe hasta que ella crea un final feliz, después de haber expiado su error.)
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