Young Learners 3: Un grupo expresivo y curioso

This winter Young Learners 3 spent a lot of time working on their pronunciation and expression in English. They practiced reading Dr. Seuss books with expression in honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Each student chose a story and practiced reading 1 to 2 minutes of text aloud to the rest of the class.

Later the class discussed the activity and the stories. They said that Dr Seuss stories “seem a little…silly, but they have important lessons.” They also said that Dr. Seuss invented words and funny characters.

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On the last day of class, the students did a short skit of the classic story “Chicken Little.” The Kids’ Club students were the audience and everyone had a good time. The kids prepared their own costumes and face paints, and they did a great job! We hope to have a video to post soon!

This trimester the students also had fun playing with the Magic 8 Ball. This is a “toy” from the US that can tell your future! As the class was learning about asking questions with will and going to, they asked the Magic 8 Ball questions such as, “Will I have a big house in the future?” or “Am I going to be a designer?” As the Magic 8 Ball only speaks English, the students got a lot of practice!

It was a great, active trimester. What will Young Learners 3 get up to in Spring? Read all about it here!

Este trimestre los alumnos de Young Learners 3 dedicaron mucho tiempo a mejorar su pronunciación y expresión oral. Practicaron mediante cuentos del gran Dr. Seuss en honor al cumpleaños de Dr. Seuss. Cada alumno eligió un cuento y se preparó una lectura de uno o dos minutos de duración para leer al resto de los compañeros.

Posteriormente hablaron de los cuentos de Dr. Seuss, y comentaron que aunque parecen algo “tontos,” tienen lecciones muy importantes. También observaron que Dr. Seuss inventó muchas frases y personajes originales.

El último día de clase, los alumnos representaron la historia de “Chicken Little” para los alumnos de Kids’ Club. YL 3 lo preparó todo: atrezzos, pinturas para la cara…y lo hicieron estupendamente. ¡Esperamos tener un vídeo para colgar aquí en breve!

A lo largo del trimestre, también se divirtieron jugando con el “Magic 8 Ball,” ¡que ve el futuro! Eso sí, sólo se le puede hacer preguntas en inglés, como”Will I have a big house in the future?” or “Am I going to be a designer?”

Ha sido un trimestre de mucha actividad. ¿Qué harán en primavera? ¡Podrán leerlo todo aquí!