American Expression: Liberty 3.0: American Outlaws
This trimester we will examine America’s fascination with and susceptibility to outlaws both real and imaginary. How does culture simultaneously perpetuate and embody that fascination? What are its historical foundations? These are a few of the questions we will consider throughout the trimester.
Instructor: Andrew Bennett, PhD
Language Skills developed include:
- Oral Expression through debates, discussions, and presentations.
- Writing Skills through short reaction papers and blog entries.
- Reading and Listening Comprehension through the analysis and interpretation of films, music, literature, and journalism.
Level | Advanced – Proficiency |
Duration | 30h/trimester | 3h/week | 1 or 2 days |
Hours | Tuesdays & Thursdays | 12:00-13:30
Tuesdays | 19:00-22:00 |
Fee | 380€ (material included) |
Dates | January 12th – March 21st |
Registration | Departamento de inglés
91 319 81 84/ 82 75 |