American Literature: Short Stories: Paths to the Canon
This trimester we will examine some of America’s best-known short stories and short story writers, and explore the ways in which these works and authors gain the necessary prestige and popularity to be called “canonical.”
How many paths to the canon are there? How do they function?
Who decides what is or isn’t “canonical”?
These are just a few of the questions we will seek to answer this trimester.
Instructor: Chiara Luis, PhD
Students will develop and improve their English language communication skills through class discussions, short writing assignments (e.g., blog posts or response papers), and supplementary audio-visual materials, as well as through online participation using the Blackboard digital platform.
Level | Advanced – Proficiency |
Duration | 30h/trimester | 3h/week |
Times | Fridays | 10:30-13:30
17:00-20:00 |
Fee | 380€ (material included) |
Dates | January 13th – March 24th |
Registration | Departamento de inglés
91 319 81 84/ 82 75 |