Happy Halloween from YL 4 (Saturdays)!
We’ve had a great start to this year in YL4! We’ve already done a lot of activities where I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the students’ creativity. We have focused a lot on speaking, and the students have written and performed a number of dialogues and plays. Last week was our class dedicated to Halloween where the students acted out a scary story and then we all talked about the history of Halloween. The students also did an activity where they had to use their imagination and answer some unique questions about Halloween such as “What do vampires dream about?” or “What ingredients make up a love potion?” The students offered creative answers, which was very amusing! We ended the day in the garden carving pumpkins. For many it was their first time carving, and they were surprised at what the inside of a pumpkin looked and felt like. The made an impressive array of scary Jack-o-lanterns!