MATRICULA EXPRESS: Micro cursos virtuales para la semana que viene! 6-10 ABRIL
¡Gracias por vuestra confianza!
Para satisfacer vuestra demanda, lanzamos
para la próxima semana
– Micro cursos de conversación de diferentes niveles, 1 hora diaria (5 horas en total) 63 €
- This mini-conversation workshop is designed to help learners improve speaking fluency in English by conversing from a personal view on real-life topics related to their experience in a fun and engaging manner. To strengthen speaking skills, students will enrich their vocabulary and learn new expressions related to various topics, such as art, movies and television, and love and friendship. This course will include pair- or small-group conversation, as well as some short listening/viewing activities related to the day’s topic (TedTalks, TedEds, etc.) that will be used during class-time to inspire and guide conversation as well as introduce new vocabulary. There will be no homework or other required outside reading or listening.
HORARIOS: 10:45 – 11:45, 18:00 – 19:00 lunes-viernes
– Speak Better Club, de lunes a viernes, 1.5 horas cada sesión: 1 sesión 19 €, 5 sesiones 85€.
- Standard American Pronunciation – Finally learn what an American accent consists of, and make it your own!
- Get it together! – Reduce the choppiness of your English speaking and become part of the native English speaking community.
- Speed Builders – Learn the best methods to build better fluidity without losing your message.
- Conversation Stretchers – Learn strategies to sustain a conversation and expand your ability to communicate.
- Talking about people – Demonstrate the politeness and the neutrality expected for speaking with family, interacting with men and women, and dealing with specific professions and nationalities.
HORARIOS: 14:30 – 16:00, 18:00 – 19:30
– One to One en bonos de 5 horas y 10 hora.