The 5 of the week by Mar Campelo (professor at Boston University)

sisters-aldecoa2Monday : “Sisters” by Josefina Aldecoa

Aldecoa, Josefina (1926- )

Hermanas / Josefina Aldecoa. — [Madrid]: Alfaguara, [2005]. –

 225 p.; 23cm ISBN 978-84-204-7424-3

PQ 6651.L39 H47 2008


Josefina Aldecoa unleashes her most reflective and evocative voice in this story of two sisters who masterfully represent two types of women; their condition as sisters dives into a network of complicities and feelings, of affinities and discrepancies, of common and foreign experiences, creating a complex emotional scaffolding with a surprising ending.


The recommended titles are in the Library of the International Institute. If you are interested in reading this recommendation, you can check its availability at catalog the library of the IIE.