Some reflections on reading in the information society
"The more we know about what students need to be good readers, the more difficult we make it for teachers to teach them to be." Emilio Sanchez.
“There are many ways to read; each reader is many readers”. Juan Eduardo Garcia-Huidobro.
"Spanish students are more adept at relating the meaning of a text to their own experience, and they manage less well when they try to find precise and timely information in documents that are not very literary, such as graphic tables or press releases." Alexander Tyana.
In the world of the Internet, “the prevailing reading is fragmentary, fueled by links; it seems recommendable that the teaching of literature adopt and adapt similar paths”. Francis Rich.
“I have always defended reading what one wants; the doors of the palace of literature are multiple, and you can enter through whichever you want, as long as you want to enter. And if you enter through the door of Harry Potter, then perfect, but that you enter required by pleasure”. Fernando Saveter.
Harvard University professor Catherine Snow He spoke of projects based on the continuous expansion of vocabulary, the main indicator, he said, of children's reading ability.
Conference of the 23rd edition of the Santillana Foundation Monographic Week on Education, held until last Friday in Madrid under the title “Reading in the Information Society”. Collected from El Pais Newspaper.