Colloquium of the Reading Circle on “Broken Mirror” by Mercè Rodoreda


Merce Rodoreda
Mercè Rodoreda


Today Thursday at 19:30 p.m. The colloquium on the book of the month of the Library Reading Circle will take place in the library under the direction of Professor Soledad Fox.

We encourage you to participate in the reading of the recommended book and the colloquium on the last Thursday of each month, it is free and open access.

Come and see how the words read better… if you put them in a circle.

If you want to learn more about the work of Mercè Rodoreda (this year also marks the centenary of her birth), consult the existing titles in our Library:


 List of titles Mercè Rodoreda

We also recommend some links:

Book card on the publisher's page Seix Barral

Information about the work in Wikipedia

Page of the Mercè Rodoreda Foundation

Didactic dossier in Catalan of the UOC

Introduction to his biography and work in English