New issue received from: Cuadernos Americanos (nº130, v.4. October-December 2009)

Summary of this issue:


*Crisis in Honduras. Alberto Santana

*The hundred days of Obama: between the economic crisis and the Latin American agenda. Elizabeth Gutierrez Romero

*Venezuela: development planning. Dahlia Strap Guide

*The gift of Santa Bárbara: memory of a Peruvian civil war. Henri Favre

* Liberation theology and its influence on progressive tendencies in Peru and South Korea. Jo Young Hyun


*That Mexican Bolívar. Coconut Mantle

* The independence of New Granada. Rodrigo Rafael Espino Hernandez

*The insular Caribbean, sugar and peasant struggles. Margarita Vargas Canals


*José Vasconcelos, Teacher of the Youth of America (1882-1959). Estela Morales Campos

* Validity of the reflections and sociopolitical thought of Juan Bosch. Jose Maria Calderon Rodriguez

*Leopoldo Zea: originality and philosophy without more

*The integrationist identity in the philosophy of Leopoldo Zea. Miguel Rojas Gomez


*Clara Alicia Jalif de Bertranou, ed., Argentina between optimism and disenchantment, by Hernán GH Taboada

*Tomás Straka el al., Arturo Úlsar Pietri: humanism and Americanism. Memoirs of the VII Conference on History and Religion, by José Antonio Herrera Salinas

Previous summaries in Dialnet

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