New number received from: ANNALS OF CONTEMPORARY SPANISH LITERATURE (vol. 35 nº1. 2010)

Summary of this issue:

*Modernism and Spain: Spanish Criticism at the Crossroads. C. Christopher Soufas, Jr.

*Guillén, Cernuda, and the Vicissitudes of Spanish Modernism. jonathan mayhew

*Spanish Feminist Thought of the Modernist Era. robert johnson

*Cinema, Modernity, and the Women of '27. Susan Kirkpatrick

*Urban and maritime cartographies: Gender and Modernism in Concha Méndez. Iker Gonzalez-Allende

*Rafael Alberti´s “The Lost Grove”: Ethos in Time. Salvador J. Fajardo

*Monstrosity and the Modernist Consciousness: Pío Baroja versus Rosa Chacel. Katharine Murphy

*The De-Natured Object in Lluís Capdevila´s “Memòries d´un llit de matrimony. robert davidson

*Modernism and the therapy of European culture in D'Ors, Marañón and Azaña. Gonzalo Navajas

*Unamuno, Nietzsche and Religious Modernism: Affinities and Complexities Concerning the View of Faith. Michael A. Gomez


*”The success of all failures”: Metapoetry in the first Ángel González. Luis Alvarez Castro

* Ganivetian thanatology. Ricardo de la Fuente Ballesteros

*Persephone, metaphor for a poetics (on Olvido García Valdés and María Zambrano). Virginia Trueba Mira


*Interview with Agustín Fernández Mallo: The world through glasses, screens and books. Jesse Barker


*Juan Aguilera Sastre, ed., “María Martínez Sierra: Feminism and music”. “III Conference on María Lejárraga” (Silvia Alonso)

*María Cristina C. Mabrey, “Ernestina de Champourcin, poet of the Generation of 27, on the hidden path of female poetic betrayal” (Joy Landeira)

*w. Michael Mudrovic, “Mirror, Mirror on the Page: identity and Subjectivity in Spanish Women´s Poetry” (1975-2000) (Margaret Persin)

*Burkhard Pohl and Jörg Türschmann, eds., “Glocal Perspectives. Spanish cinema at the turn of the millennium” (Cristina Martínez-Carazo)

*Carme Riera, “Azorín and the concept of the classic” (Olivia Rodríguez González)

*Darío Villanueva, “Images of the city. Poetry and cinema, from Whitman to Lorca” (Antonio Monegal)

*Honorary Fellows of the Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies

Previous summaries in Dialnet

See also summaries in Cisne

See numbers available in the library