Recommended article: on the value of Mark Twain's literature before the centenary of his death

“In the authors of the twentieth century the influence of Twain is much more subtle. In the case of Saul Bellow, for example, the title of one of his most admired works, The Adventures of Augie March (1953), already indicates more explicitly where we will find the reference. But it is not only the title: the progression of the hero from childhood to maturity or that picaresque atmosphere that seasons the novel refer us directly to Huck. Ralph Ellison, author of The Invisible Man (1952), also stated in an anthological essay that Twain "has taught us how to capture what is essentially American in our customs and folklore." The evaluation of this African-American writer is interesting, especially considering the recent evaluations of young critics who consider Twain a racist writer.

Extract from an article by José Antonio Gurpegui published in El Cultural. Read complete.

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