Recommended article: Interview with EL Doctorow

 “There are few worlds in English-language fiction as vast, rich and diverse as Doctorow's. This year his first novel, Welcome to Hard Times, turns half a century old; in this time Doctorow has published thirteen books of fiction, a play, and two compilations of essays, and the result can very well be seen as a radical rewriting of American history, from the Civil War to The Great March to New York. end of the 1947th century in The City of God. The new novel, Homer and Langley, is part of the story of the Collyer brothers, whose life has been a subject of fascination in New York since XNUMX, when the police broke down the door of their house and found them dead and surrounded by more than a hundred tons of diverse materials: towers of newspapers, several pianos, kilometers of books and even a Ford T in the middle of the room.”

Extract from an article by Juan Gabriel Vásquez published in Babelia. Read complete.

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