Next reading of the Literary Circle (corresponding to the month of May and postponed to June)

Participate by reading the recommended book and attending the colloquium that is usually held on the last Thursday of each month. Directed by Soledad Fox.

Cycle “Mujeres – Women: one hundred years of literature”.

Free entry and free prior registration in

Book of the month in May: "Women's models" by Almudena Grandes

COLLOQUIUM: Thursday, June 10 at 19:30 p.m.

“As the title itself suggests, Women's Models, these seven stories are all carried out by women who, at different ages and circumstances, all of them face, at some point, extraordinary events. All of them, except the one that gives the book its title, are in one way or another linked to childhood, to the ability to desire as the motor of the will, of the acts of will that the protagonists must assume to prevent life from overwhelming them. ”

 Taken from Tusquets Editorial.

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