New issue received from: Bulletin of Spanish Studies (vol.LXXXVII, nº4. June 2010)

Summary of this issue:


*When Spanish h– Went Silent. How Do We Know? joel rini

* Biblical allegories of power in the theater of Tirso de Molina. Antonio Carreno-Rodriguez

*Novice Nobody: Benjamin Jarnés Responds to Unamuno and Pirandello. Maria T.Pao

*From Auguste Comte to Émile Zola: the modernist literary theory of Manuel González Prada. Thomas Ward

*Self-Censorship and New Voices in Pizarnik's Unpublished Manuscripts. Fiona J. Mackintosh


*Jack Marshall Flint (1928-2009). brian powell


*Popular Valencian Rondalles. Anthology, catalog and study of the tradition of universal folklore, he edited a priest by Rafael Beltran. Carmen Oriol

*The Book of Sent Soví: Medieval Recipes from Catalonia, Edited by Joan Santanach, translated by Robin Vogelzang. Donna M Rogers

*Texts of Medieval Spain. Carmen Pena

*Studies on Spanish satire in the Golden Age, edited by Julio Velez-Sainz, The Spanish Parnassus: canon, patronage and propaganda in the poetry of the Golden Age. Roger Moore

Dana Bultman, Heretical Mixtures: Feminine and Poetic Opposition to Matter-Sprint Dualism in Spain, 1531-1631. Elizabeth Theresa Howe

*Benito Arias Montano, Castilian sermons, edition and study by Valentín Núñez Rivera. John A Jones

*Herald E. Braun, Juan de Mariana and Early Modern Spanish Political Thought. Katherine Ellit Van Liere

*Aaron M. Kahn, The Ambivalence of Imperial Discourse: Cervantes´ 'La Numancia' within the 'Lost Generation' of Spanish Drama (1570-90). Javier Irigoyen-Garcia

*A Companion to Lope de Vega, edited by Alexander Samson and Jonathan Thacker. Enrique Garcia Santo-Tomás

*Antonio Munoz Palomares, The theater of Mira de Amescua. For a political and social reading of the golden comedy. A.Robert Lauer

*Rafael González Cañal, Ubaldo Cherry Rubio and Germán Vega García-Luengos, Bibliography of Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla. Don W Cruickshank

*Christophe Couderc, Gallants and ladies in the new comedy: a functionalist reading of the Spanish theater of the Golden Age. Jonathan Thacker

*Gabriel B. Paquette, Enlightenment, Governance, and Reform in Spain and Its Empire, 1759-1808. Gabriel Sanchez Espinosa

*Margaret R. Ewalt, Peripheral Wonders: Nature, Knowledge and Enlightenment in the Eighteenth-Century Orinoco. Helen Cowie

* Carol Tully, Johann Nikolas Böhl von Faber (1770-1836) A German Romantic in Spain. catherine davies

*Stephen G.H. Roberts, Miguel de Unamuno or the creation of the modern Spanish intellectual,  Translated into English by María José Martínez Jurico. Jeremy Squires

*Martin von Koppenfels, Introduction to death. Lorca's New York poetry and the duel of modern poetry, translation by José Luis Reina Palazón, review by Rosa Ribas. Paul McDermid

*Luis Felipe Vivanco, Anthology, illustrations by Gustavo Torner, edition by Margot Vivanco. K. M. Sibbald

*Rafael Alarcon Sierra, Luis Felipe Vivanco: contemplation and dedication. KM Sibbald

*Nuria Cruz-Cámara, The intertextual labyrinth of Carmen Martín Gaite: a study of her novels of the nineties. Christine Arkinstall

* Ann Davis, Pedro Almodovar. Sebastian Faber

Daniela Flesler, The Return of the Moor. Spanish Responses to Contemporary Moroccan Immigration. Helena Lopez

Jongsoo Lee The Allure of Nezahualcoyotl: Pre-Hispanic History, Religion, and Nahua Politics. Rocio Cortes

* JasonWilson, A Companion to Pablo Neruda: Evaluating Neruda's Poetry. dominic moran

*Rodney-Williamson, The Writing in the Stars: A Jungian Reading of the Poetry of Octavio Paz. Nicholas Roberts

*Nuala Finnegan, Ambivalence, Modernity, Power: Women and Writing in Mexico since 1980. Thea Pitman

*Sarah M Misemer, Secular Saints: Performing Frida Kahlo, Carlos Gardel, Eva Perón, and Selena. Lloyd J Davies

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