New issue received from: BULLETIN OF CERVANTES SOCIETY OF AMERICA (vol. XXX, nº 1. Spring, 2010)

Summary of this issue:


*John the Baptist (1927-2009). Luisa Lopez Grigera

*Thomas R. Hart (1925-2010). Elijah Rivers


*A Nanolithographic Illustration of Don Quixote. Tom Lahtrop

*Realism, Idealism, and the Transformation of Romance in “The illustrious mop". Paul Lewis Smith

*Again on “Gante y Luna” (I, 51). Another typo in the first Quixote? Abraham Madronal

*In the Greek footsteps of Don Quixote In his wanderings through Bucharest, Smyrna, Trieste, Constantinople, New York and Athens. William Marin Casal

*“Scholarship and doctrine” in Don Quixote and the Exemplary Novels. Jean Raymond Fanlo

*“The name of podenco:” The Dog as Book in the Prologue of Part II of Don Quixote. John Beusterian

*Cervantes and the Sequel: Literary Continuation in Part I of Don Quixote. William H Hinrichs

*Double-edged laments: The Algiers Deal and the geopolitical dimension of the struggle for religious unity. Natalio Ohanna

*Chivalry and Empire: The Colonial Argument of the Princess Micomicona Episode in Don Quixote Part I. Stacey Triplet


* Juan Bautista de Avalle Arce. Novels and their narrators. E.Michael Gerli

*Don Quijote. Translated, with Notes, James H. Montgomery. Michael J. McGrath

*Mercedes Alcala Galan. Unleashed writing: poetics of representation in Cervantes. Adrienne L. Martin

* Enriqueta Zafra. Prostituted by the text. Brothel discourse in the feminine picaresque. louis imperiale

*JAG Ardila, ed. The Cervantean Heritage: Reception and Influence of Cervantes in Britain. Sandra Cox

* Jose Manuel Martin Moran. Cervantes and Don Quixote towards the modern novel. Luis Gomez Canseco

Previous summaries in Dialnet

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