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“Break the rules: the secret code to finding a great job fast” by William A. Cohen

“William Cohen's newest book about job hunting breaks the rules again by offering insightful, concise and specific information that any job seeker would find invaluable! What makes this book different is the fact that it is indeed a comprehensive guide to finding a better job; the topics covered therein leave no stone unturned: From issues that job hunters are often unfamilar with, such as self-promotion and beating psychological tests, to more areas that people typically underperform in, such effectively responding to employment ads and keeping control of an interview , Dr. Cohen provides a wealth of information that could benefit anyone's quest for a better job!”

Taken from Book review.

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The recommended titles are in the Library of the International Institute. If you are interested in reading this recommendation, you can check its availability at library catalogue.

Break the rules: the secret code to find a great job fast / William A. Cohen, Ph.D. — Paramus: Prentices hall press, 2001. — XV, 237 p. ; 23cm

ISBN-0 7352 0201-X-

HF5382.7 C64 2001