New number received from: BULLETIN OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF HISTORY (volume CCVII, notebook 1. January-April 2010)

Summary of this issue:

*José Manuel Pita Andrade: obituary sentence. Gonzalo Anes Alvarez de Castrillon

*In memoriam: Rafael del Pino y Moreno. Encounters throughout a lifetime. José María López de Letona and Núñez del Pino

*The idea of ​​the homeland Trafalgar by Perez Galdos. Ricardo Martinez Canas

*Heraldry and ancient book: brief reflections. Valentin Moreno Gallego

*Last letters of Eduardo Rosales. Luis Rubio Gil

*The declaratory letters of Toledo: the relationship of juros and mercedes applied to the Galician nobility and aristocracy. Amparo Rubio Martinez


*Official reports approved by the Royal Academy of History


*Academic chronicle corresponding to the first quarter January-April 2010. Eloy Benito Ruano

Previous summaries in Dialnet

Summary on the Publications page of the Royal Academy of History

See numbers available in the library

See also web page of the magazine