Featured news of the week

“Challenges and strategies of the EU” by José Ramón de Espínola

“The European integration process is a response to the serious events (human, economic, social and political) resulting from the deep division of Europe in the first half of the XNUMXth century. After the tragic experience of the Second World War, economic integration projects arose that seek to establish the economic bases that contribute to avoiding confrontation between European states; its culmination is the European Union.”

Extracted from the back cover of the issue.

See also:



 The recommended titles are in the Library of the International Institute. If you are interested in reading this recommendation, you can check its availability at library catalogue.

Challenges and strategies of the EU / José Ramón de Espínola; prologue by Manuel Varela. — 1st ed. — Madrid: LID Editorial Empresarial: Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, 2010. — 293 p. ; 22cm — (Business Action Collection).

DL M 1109-2010 — ISBN 978-84-8356-140-9

HC 241.2 .E87 2010

R. 97149