New number received from: NOTEBOOKS OF CONTEMPORARY HISTORY (Vol. 32 2010)

Summary of this issue:


*1810: Bicentennial. Juan Pablo Fusi Aizpurua

* The Cortes of Cadiz: Nation, sovereignty and territory. Juan Francisco Fuentes Aragonés

* The Napoleonic wars in the Balkans. Mira Milosevic

* American independence. Historiographical reflections on the occasion of the Bicentennial. Peter Perez Smith

*The historiography of Mexican independence: a regional view. Immaculate Simon Ruiz


*The first elections held with the Royal State of 1834. Natividad Araque Hontangas

*Iconography of the idea of ​​Spain in school textbooks during the transition to democracy (1976-1983). Lara Perez Fields

*The awakening of a great city: Madrid. Borja Carballo Barral

*The European Communities against the Franco regime: political problems raised by the Spanish request for negotiations in 1962. Víctor Fernández Soriano

* Being noble in the Spain of Alfonso XIII. Jose Miguel Hernandez Barral

*The hidden strike: Arnao, 1912-1913. An accident in the development of modern mining unionism in Asturias. Jorge Muniz Sanchez


* Francoism and Salazarism. Adela Mora Canada

*Activities of the Research Group in the History of International Relations (GHistRI). Francisco Rodrigo Luelmo

*“Wind from the East”: The history of the ex-communist countries of Europe and Asia in the UCM (cruso 2009-2010). Jose Miguel Hernandez Barral and Fernando Vicente Albarran

*Doctoral theses defended in the 2009-2010 academic year

*Third Cycle research work


*Van Minnen, Cornelis and Hilton, Sylvia (ed.), Teaching and studying US history in Europe: past, present and future, Amsterdam, VU University Press, 2007. Francisco J. Rodríguez Jiménez

*Pizarroso Quitero, Alejandro, Diplomats, propagandists and spies. United States and Spain in World War II: information and propaganda, Madrid, CSIC. 2009. Andres Sanchez Padilla

*Nussbaum, Martha C., India. Democracy and religious violence, Barcelona, ​​Paidós, 2009. Maximiliano Camarda

*Sugirtharajah, Rasiah S., The Library and the Empire. colonial explorations, Madrid, Akal, 2009. Borja Carballo Barral

*Fanon, Frantz, Black skin, white masks, Madrid, Akal, 2009. Cristina Álvarez González

*Van Minnen, Cornelis A. and Hilton, Sylvia L. (eds.), Political Repression in US. history, Amsterdam, VU University Press, 2009. Carlos Sanz Diaz

*Nicolás Marín, Encarna and González Martínez, Carmen (eds.), Worlds of Yesterday. Contemporary historical research of the IX Congress of the AHC, Murcia, Editions of the University of Murcia, 2009. José Luis Neila Hernández

*Black, Jeremy, Europe since Seventies, London, Contemporary Worlds, 2009. Manuel Burón Díaz

*Clark, L. Linda, Women and Achievement in Nineteenth-Century Europe, Cambridge University Press, 2008. Paloma Seoane Friend

*Cruz-Taura, Graciella, Mirror of Patience and Silvestre de Balboa in the history of Cuba. study critical edition of Mirror of Patience and documentary selection, Madrid & Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana & Vervuert, 2009. Antonio J. Pinto Tortosa

*Santirso, Manuel, Progress and Liberty: Spain in Liberal Europe (1930-1870). Madrid, Ariel, 2007. Carlos Nieto

*Gonzalez March, Felix, The disentailment of Madoz in Guadalajara (1855-1896): some keys to understanding contemporary provincial society, Guadalajara, Minaya Graphics, 2008. Jesús Ángel Redondo

*The Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of Madrid in the Second Republic. Architecture and University during the 30s. Exhibition catalogue, Madrid, State Society for Cultural Commemorations, Madrid City Council, Architecture Editions, 2008. Inés Valle Morán

*Eiroa San Francisco, Matilde, International politics and communication in Spain (1939-1975). Franco's summits with Heads of State, Madrid, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Spanish Diplomatic Library, 2009. Juan Manuel Fernández Fernández-Cuesta

*Southworth, Herbeth R. The myth of Franco's crusade, Barcelona, ​​Debolsillo, 2008. Paloma Seoane Amigo

*Aegis Lion, Angels, Franco's pardon, The repression of women in post-war Madrid, Madrid, Waterfall, 2009. Gutmaro Gómez Bravo

*Calvo Salgado, Luís María, Fernández Vicente, María José, Krienbrink, Axel, Sanz Díaz, Carlos and Sanz Lafuente, Gloria, History of the National Institute of Emigration. The foreign migration policy of Spain and the IEE. From Francoism to Transition, Madrid, Ministry of Labor and Immigration, 2009. Anotnio Moreno Juste

*Beneyto Pérez, José María (dir.), Treaty on the Law and Policies of the European Union. Volume I “Historical development and basic characteristics of the European Union. Nature, values, principles and competencies” (coordinators: Jerónimo Maillo González-Orus and Belén Becerril Atienza), Pamplona, ​​Aranzadi/Thompson Reuters, 2009. Antonio Moreno Juste

*Vilar, María José, Vilar, Juan B. and Caselles, José F. (eds.), The gypsy community in Spain and the Region of Murcia: between integration and exclusion, Murcia, University of Murcia, 2009, 309 (Monographic dossier of Annals of Contemporary History, nº25). Carlos Sanz Diaz

*Bernecker, Walter L., Íñiguez Hernández, Diego and Maihold, Günter (eds.), Crisis? What crisis?: Spain in search of its path, Madrid/Frankurt am Mann, Ibero-American, 2009. Pedro Ribas


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