New number received from: ANNALS CERVANTINOS. XLII. January-December 2010)

Summary of this issue:


*Anthony J.Close. Jose Manuel Lucia Megias


*The punctuation in the texts of the Golden Age and in Don Quixote. Ignatius Arellano

* Materials for a critical edition of the Exemplary Novels. Joseph Garcia Lopez

*For the textual history of Galetea. John Montero

* The texts of Cervantes.Teatro. Alfredo Baras Escola

*The voice of Cervantes in Don Quixote. Florencio Sevilla Arroyo

*The praxis and parody of the ars moriendi speech in Don Quixote of 1615. Rachel Schmid

*Barataria, a crossroads: between orality and writing. Jesus Bottle

*. The myth of Danae in The curious impertinent: Terenzio, Tiziano and Cervantes Frederick A. de Armas

*The liberal lover and the importance of the territory in the marriage issue. Lucia Lopez Rubio

* The preaching in three comedies by Cervantes: The treatment of Algiers, The baths of Algiers and The happy ruffian. Jaime Garau

*Social norm and private ethics: female adultery in Cervantes. Steven Hutchinson

* Hidalgos against officers. Ideological and social background of the controversy between Cervantes and Lope. Javier Salazar Rincon

*The Cervantine society (its foundation, its spirit and its task). Jose Montero Padilla


*Cervantine correspondence of D. Alberto Sánchez (I) José Carlos de Torres

*The unpublished comedy Don Quixote de la Mancha, by Andrés González Barcia. Abraham Madronal


* Gentlemen not gentlemen in Don Quixote. Emilio Nañez

* : a restorative journey in La entertaining by Miguel Cervantes. selena simonetti


*Don Quixote and literary theoretical thought (Miguel Carrera Garrido) Miguel Angel Garrido Gallardo

*Don Quixote of La Mancha (Jose Manuel Lucía Megías) Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

* Cervantes comments on Don Quixote (Guillermo Gómez Sánche<-Ferrer). Emilio Martinez Mata

* Don Quixote facing the knights of modern times (Fernando Romo Feito). Francis Vivar

* Don Quixote today. The richness of his reception (Rocío Vilches Fernández). Klaus-Dieter Ertler and Alejandro Rodríguez (eds.)

*Cervantes, (Isabel Lozano-Reniablas) Michael Armstrong-Roche

* Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, The Great Sultana, Doña Catalina de Oviedo (Lucía López Rubio) Luis Gómez Canseco (ed.)

*El hingenioso Hidalgo (Studies in homage to Anthony Close (Víctor Manuel Pueyo) Agustín García de Arrieta

*Writing unleashed: poetics of representation in Cerantes (Asunción Bernárdez) Mercedes Alcalá Galán

Previous summaries in Dialnet

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