New number received from: BULLETIN OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF HISTORY (volume CCVII, notebook 3. September-December 2010)

Summary of this issue:

*Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez. Obituary. Jose Luis Diez

*Reflections on the seal and medal of the Royal Academy of History. Carmen Manso Porto

*El Nuevo Rezado, Headquarters of the Royal Academy of History. Contributions on its origin, history and present situation. Peter Ponce de Leon

*The population of Spain and the Indians in the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries. Vicente Pérez Moreda

*The Mutiny of Aranjuez and the Dos de Mayo in Pérez Galdós. Ricardo Martinez Canas


*Official reports approved by the Royal Academy of History 


*Academic Chronicle corresponding to the third semester September-December 2010. Eloy Benito Ruano

Previous summaries in Dialnet

 Summary on page Publications of the Royal Academy of History

See available numbers  in the library

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