New issue received from: Bulletin of Spanish Studies (vol.LXXXVII, nº6. September 2010)

Summary of this issue:


*The Politics of Bohemia and the Thirty Years' War on the Spanish Baroque Stage. Henry W Sullivan

*The Making of a Delinquent: Mariano Rufete in Galdós' La desheredada. Geoffrey Ribans

 *The 'I' as a project: Ortega and the identity of the beloved in the proem of La voz a ti due, by Pedro Salinas. jordi larios

* Architecture and movement in the exiled painting of Remedios Varo. Goretti Ramirez

* 'I am Arturo Belano': autobiographical voices and echoes in Roberto Bolaño's narrative. Luis Bague Quilez


*Song of Mio Cid, Edition by Juan Carlos Baya and Ian Michael. Irene Zaderenko

*Connie L. Scarborough, A Holy Alliance: Alfonso X Political Use of Marian Poetry. Joseph T Snow

*Roger Bartra, Melancholy and Culture. Essays on the Diseases of the Soul in Golden Age Spain, translated from the Spanish by Christopher Follett. Elena Carrera

*Frédéric Conrod, Loyola's Greater Narrative. The Architecture of the 'Spiritual Exercises' in Golden Age and Enlightenment Literature. John A Jones

* Cervantes in modernity. Coordinated by José Ángel Ascunce and Alberto Rodríguez. Vincent Perez de Leon

* Enrique García Santo-Tomás, Modernity under suspicion. Salas Barbadillo and the material culture of the XNUMXth century. Julius Baena

*The Spanish Ballad in the Golden Age. Essays for David Pattison, edited by Nigel Griffin, Clive Griffin, Eric Southworth and Colin Thompson. Terence O'Reilly

*Laura R. Bass, The Drama of the Portrait: Theater and Visual Culture in Early Modern Spain. Susan L Fischer

*The 'Comedia' in English: Translation and Performance, edited by Suysan Paun de García and Donald R. Larson. John Slater

*Bringing the First Latin-America Opera to Life: Staging 'La Purpura de la Rosa' in Sheffield, edited by Jane W. Davidson and Anthony Trippett. Jose Ramon Jouve Martin

*Verónica Grossi, Sigilosos epistemological v(u)elos in Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Grady C Wray

*Sergio Rivera-Ayala, The colonial discourse in New Spain texts. Space, body and power. Ivonne of the Valley

*Portuguese Colonial Cities in the Early Modern World, edited by Liam Matthew Brockey. Timothy D.Walker

*Patrick O'Flanagan, Port Cities of Atlantic Iberia, c.1500-1900. Carla Rahn-Phillips

*María Isabel López Martínez, The woman before the mirror: a literary and artistic motif, with a Foreword by Wesley J. Weaver III. Tony Dorca

*An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Women's Poetry from Spain. In English Translation with Original Text, edited by Anna-Marie Aldaz; translated by Anna-Marie Aldaz and W. Robert Walker. Margaret A Rees

*Amelina Correa Ramón, Alejandro Sawa, bohemian lights. Richard A Cardwell

*Gareth Stockey, Gibraltar: 'A Dagger in the Spine of Spain?' Peter Gold

*Carmen Conde, While men die, edited, with an introduction, critical analysis, notes and vocabulary, by Jean Andrews. Catherine G. Bellver

*Wendy-Llyn Zaza, Woman, history and society: the contemporary Spanish dramaturgy of feminine authorship. michael thompson

*Sarah Wright, Tales of Seduction: The Figure of Don Juan in Spanish Culture. ryan prout

*Adriana J. Bergero, Intersecting Tango: Cultural Geographies of Buenos Aires, 1900-1930. james scorer

*Mariela A. Gutiérrez, An Ethnological Interpretation of the Afro-Cuban World of Lydia Cabrera (1900-1991). James J. Pancrazio

*Raphael Comprone, Four Major Latin American Writers – Pablo Neruda, Mario Vargas Llosa, Carlos Fuentes, and Gabriel García Marquez, with a Foreword by Henry Sussman. robin fiddian

*Miriam Haddy, Contemporary Mexican Cinema, 1989-1999: History, Space and Identity, with a Preface by Nuala Finnegan. david william foster

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