New number received from: RILCE: Magazine of Hispanic Philology (vol. 27.2. 2011)

Summary of this issue:

*A phraseological approach to of course. Mª Belén Alvarado Ortega and Leonor Ruiz Gurillo

*The Lazarillesque world of research processes: samples from the Oviedo cathedral archive. Clark Cohan

* In the mouth of the liar even what is certain becomes doubtful: Was Lope de Vega really a soldier poet? Julian Gonzalez

*Among chocolates, porches and spiders: images of evil femininity in two stories by Julio Cortázar. Eugenia Houvenaghel and Aagje Monballieu

*The imperial Brazil and the work of a condemned to death: Inconfidencia de Abelarfo Arias. Lorraine Angela Ivars

*Irony, ambivalence and politics in Memories of underdevelopment. Jaume Peris-Blanes

*Luis Astrana Marín against the vanguards and against Góngora. Pablo Rojas

*The Spain of the mirror: the image of Spain in the Romanian writers Miron and Nicolae Costin. Oana Andreia Marin

*From Quixote to Persiles: Rota Virgilii, fortitudo et sapientia and the literary career of Cervantes. Antonio Sanchez Jimenez

Previous summaries in Dialnet

 See also magazine website.

 VIEW numbers available in the library.