Featured news of the week
"The noise of things falling” by Juan Gabriel Vásquez
“The noise of things falling begins with the exotic escape and subsequent hunt of a hippopotamus, the last vestige of the impossible zoo with which Pablo Escobar exhibited his power. This is the spark that ignites the memory mechanisms of Antonio Yammara, the protagonist and narrator of The Noise of Things Falling, a dark balance of a time of terror and violence, in a Bogotá described as a literary territory full of meanings. ”
Taken from Alfaguara.
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The recommended titles are in the Library of the International Institute. If you are interested in reading this recommendation, you can check its availability at catalog of the library
The noise of things falling / Juan Gabriel Vásquez. — Madrid: Alfaguara, 2011. — 259 p.; 25cm
Alfaguara Novel Award 2011
DL 16763-2011 — ISBN 978-84204-7507-3
PQ 8180.32 .A797 R85 2011
R. 97899