New number received from: Letras Libres (year X, nº 118. July 2011)

Summary of this issue:


* Acetic and success. Gabriel Zaid

*Cryta (short story) Álvaro Bisama


*Before the words. Dan Bellm

*Thought experiment. Alan Mills


*Complete poetry by Jorge Luis Borges. Edgardo Dorby

* Rodolfo Walsh's violent craft of writing. patrick

*Reborn Early Diaries 1947-1964, by Susan Sontag. Laura Freixas

*Diderot. An Intellectual Biography, by Raymond Trousson. Juan Malpartida

*In Other People's Beauty and Selected Poems, by Adam Zagajewski. Ida Vitale

*The noise of things falling, by Juan Gabriel Vas


*Political cinema: from Semprúm to Inside Job. Vicente Molina Foix

*Photography: Grimaces of the Tired People, by Rimaldas Viksraitis. Domenico Chiape


* Politics: Ollanda Humala and Peru. Alberto Vergara

* Medicine: Thirty years of AIDS. Mª Teresa Giménez Barbat

*Culinary: 55 in El Bulli. Eunice Cortes

*Leisure: Miseries of free time: Vivian Abenshushan

*Citizenship: The gone of May. Ricardo Cayela Gally


*Infinitesimal Diary: Roulette. Hugo Hiriart

* Aerolitos: The terrorist song. Enrique Serna

* Hopper: Residence in the dust. William Sheridan


Previous summaries in Dialnet

See also magazine website

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