Last number received from: HISPANIC REVIEW (vol. 79.2. Spring 2011)

Summary of this issue:


*Gender, printing and social space: a "poetics of gunpowder" for the XNUMXth century epic. Miguel Martínez

*Market, audience, and the fortunes and adversities of Lazarillo de Tormes punished (1537). Philip E. Ruan

*”The strange disease”: loss of appetite, class and eating disorders in La esfinge maragata. robin ragan

*Crossroads of the symbolic economy in the work of Julián del Casal. Miguel Gomes

*Leisure and agrarian reform: liberal governance in the traveling museums of Spain´s pedagogical missions (1931-1933). Eugenia Afinoquenova

* ”Of the smog”: José Emilio Pacheco’s concussive poetics of Mexico City. michael dowdy


*Hilaire Kallendorf, conscience on stage: the comedy as casuistry in early modern Spain; Elena del Rio Parra, Cartographies of Spanish consciousness in the Golden Age (William Childers). Hispanic Casuistry Studies: Room to grow


*Allegories of power: imperial crisis and new comedy (1598-1659). (Frederic Conrod). Antonio Carreno-Rodriguez

*The novelistic imagination: Bernal Díaz between genres and periods (Veronica Cortinez). Oswaldo Estrada

*Treacherous foundations: betrayal and collective identity in early Spanish epic, chronicle, and drama (Elizabeth Davis). Geraldine Coates

*Romance and exemplarity in post-war Spanish women´s narratives (Maria DiFrancesco). Barbara Fuchs

*The evolution of the pastoral novel in early modern Spain.Javier Irigoyen-Garcia). Dominick Finello

Previous summaries in Dialnet.

See also magazine website.

VIEW numbers available in the library