New number received from: Literature Magazine (v. LXXIII, nº 145. January-June 2011)

Summary of this issue:


*Theory and history in travel stories, by Luis Alburquerque-García


*The “travel story”: milestones and forms in the evolution of the genre. Luis Alburquerque-Garcia

*Travel theatre? Modal paradoxes of a literary genre. Jose-Luis Garcia Barrientos

*In the limits of the travel book: seduction, canonicity and transgression of a genre. Maria Rubio Martin

*Children's trips. Dangers, myths and spectacle. Sofia M. Carrizo Rueda

*Typology of the travel story in Latin American literature: definitions and development. Federico Guzman Rubio

* Encounter of the traveler Pero Tafur with the Florentine humanism of the first four hundred. Miguel Angel Perez Priego

* Printing and textual criticism: the iconography of Juan de Mandevilla's Book of Wonders of the World. Maria Mercedes Rodriguez Temperley

*The reason for the trip in Calderón's autos sacramentales, I: mythological trips. Ignatius Arellano

* Party and power in the Journey of the Viceroy Marquis of Villena (Mexico, 1640). Judith Farré Vidal

*The travel story in the Enlightenment press: between prodesse et delectare and satirical instrumentalization. Francisco Uzcanga Meinecke

* Poetic images in texts of romantic trips to the South of Spain. Leonardo Romero Tobar

*Spanish travelers in Europe in the XNUMXs: three ways of understanding the travel narrative. Julio Penate Rivero

* The Franco traveler. Jorge Carrion

*The other and his displacement in the latest travel literature. Patricia Almarcegui

*Text and image in Spain from sunrise to sunset by Alfonso Armada. Genevieve Champeau 


*Notes for a bibliography of the literary journey (1990-2010). Maria del Carmen Simon Palmer 

Previous summaries in Dialnet.

See also magazine website.

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