Literary Circle Reading for the Month of November

Participate by reading the recommended book and attending the colloquium that is usually held on the last Thursday of each month. Session led by Jacqueline Cruz, Ph.D.

Series "American film literature"

Free entry and free prior registration in

 Book of the Month: “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee

 “Jean Louise Finch evokes a time from her childhood in Alabama, USA, when her father, Atticus, decided to defend a black man accused of raping a white woman in court. To Kill a Mockingbird shows a community dominated by racial prejudice, distrust of what is different, the rigidity of family and neighborhood ties, and a judicial system with hardly any guarantees for the population of color. In 1962, Roberte Mulligan brought To Kill a Mockingbird to the screen in an Oscar-winning production, with Horton Foote and Gregory Peck in the title roles.

 Taken from fnac.

 COLLOQUIUM: Thursday, November 24 at 19:30 p.m.