New issue received from: BULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES (vol. LXXXVIII, nº6. September 2011

Summary of this issue:


*The death of the Duke of Gandía: historical memory and invention in a Judeo-Spanish ballad. Madeline Sutherland

*An additional Desengaño in “The slave of her lover” by María de Zayas. Karliana Sakas

*Modern Castiza Landscapes: working women in Zarzuela. Maria Soria Lopez

*The afterlife of traumatic memories: the workings and Uses of empathy in Antonio Muñoz Molina's Sefarad. Nicholas Gilmour

*Patriarchal paradigms in magical realism: female alterity and "magical feminism" in The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende and Los memorias del porvenir by Elena Garro. Cristina Ruiz Serrano


*Richard Cardwell, Jeremy Lawrence and Mark Millington. Robert Brian Tate (1921-2011)