New number received from: BULLETIN OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF HISTORY (volume CCVIII, notebook 2. May-August 2011)


*Manuel Fernandez Alvarez. Obituary prayer.- Gonzalo Anes and Álvarez de Castrillón.
*The uniqueness of Israel.- Luis Suárez Fernández.
*The noble artistic patronage in Spain in the transition from the XNUMXth to the XNUMXth century.- Luis Miguel Enciso Recio.
*The idea of ​​honor in Pérez Galdós.- Ricardo Martínez Cañas.
*The meeting minutes of an Islamic brotherhood of Toledo, an Arab source for the study of the Castilian Mudejars. Years 1402 to 1414.- Ana Echevarría and Rafael Mayor.
*A balance of the repatriation of Cuba: the deceased. The case of the expeditionary battalion of the Soria Infantry Regiment No. 9.- Enrique de Miguel Fernández.
*Words by the Minister of Defense, Doña Carme Chacón, on the occasion of the inauguration of the Army Museum in El Alcázar de Toledo on July 19, 2010.
*Words of the Hon. Mr. Alfonso Martínez de Irujo and Mr. Fitz-James Stuart, Duke of Aliaga, and Mr. Marcelino Mayor Oreja Aguirre, Marquis of Oreja, at the event organized by the Permanent Delegation of the Greatness of Spain on June 25, 2010 .


*Official reports approved by the Royal Academy of History.


*Academic Chronicle corresponding to the second semester May-August 2010.–Eloy Benito Ruano.

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