Last number received from: HISPANIC REVIEW (vol. 79.4. Autumn 2011)

Summary of this issue:


*The inspired poetics of the sonnet "To the king, our lord", by Hernando de Acuña. Ignacio Diez Fernandez

*This… cyclops: Góngora's Polifemo and the Poetics of disfiguration. Matthew Ancel

*Unamuno, Schleiermacher, Humboldt: a question of language. CA Longhurst

*Rewriting the canon: historical avant-garde, popular culture and cultural politics at the Reina Sofía Museum (“the isms of Ramón Gómez de la Serna”). Maria Soledad Fernandez Utrera

*The street child and the fragmented city in the film Buenos Aires vice versa by Alejandro Agresti. sophie dufays

*Adolfo Suárez and Felipe and Letizia: television fiction and immediate memories about the Spanish monarchy. Jose Carlos Rueda Laffond



*Propaganda and information in times of war: Spain and America (1700-1714) (Scott Eastman). David Gonzalez Cruz

*Colonial counterpoint: music in early modern Manila (George Yuri Porras). DRM Irving

*Indigenous and popular thinking in America (Rocío Quispe-Agnoli). Rudolph Kusch

*Love and politics in the contemporary Spanish American novel (Carlos Riobo). Hannibal Gonzalez

*Genealogies of difference: technologies of salvation and representation of enslaved Africans in colonial Ibero-America (Rubén A. Sánchez-Godoy). Maria Eugenia Chavez Maldonado

*Impurity of blood: defining race in Spain, 1870-1930 (Lisa Surwillo). Joshua Goode

*Indians on stage: the representation of the Amerindian in the theater of the Golden Age (Juan Vitulli). Moises R. Castillo

*Crafting the female subject: narrative innovation in the short fiction of Emilia Pardo Bazán (Bárbara Zecchi). Susan M McKenna

 Previous summaries in Dialnet.

See also magazine website.

VIEW numbers available in the library