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"Living alone together” by Tzvetan Todorov

“The essays included in this book can be grouped around a great theme: the necessary relationship that the human being maintains with people who are different from him. Todorov starts from his own exile experience and from the study of key moments in history and the authors who have reflected on human diversity to analyze the discovery of the other, the relationship between the self and the other in the same society, between us and the others, between indigenous and foreigners.”

 Extracted from the back cover.

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The recommended titles are in the Library of the International Institute. If you are interested in reading this recommendation, you can check its availability at catalog of the library

Living alone together / Tzvetan Todorov; translation by Noemí Sobregués. — 1st ed. — Barcelona: Gutenberg Galaxy: Círculo de Lectores, 2011. — 274 p. ; 22cm

ISBN 978-84-8109-936-2 (Gutenberg Galaxy) — ISBN 978-84-672-4504-2 (Circle of Readers)

B821.T63 2011

R. 81062