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“Both sides of the coin: the arguments against and for the Euro” by James Forder and Christopher Huhne  

“Whether Britain should join the Euro is a subject that generates much heat but little light. Here in one book are the arguments FOR joining the Euro and AGAINST. (…) This is the only book which enables people to decide for themselves, free from rhetoric and entrenched Euro-phobia or -philia. It is the best chance anyone has of understanding a frighteningly important subject on which politicians of all parties are hopelessly split and confusion reigns.”

Taken from Amazon.

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Both sides of the coin: the arguments against the Euro / by James Forder. Both sides of the coin: the arguments for the Euro / by Christopher Huhne. — London : Profile Books, 1999. — VIII, 116, VIII, 124 p. ; 20cm

Text printed in opposite sequences

ISBN-1 86197-321-7

HG930.5.F67 2001